
Gamification for Business training

Gamification refers to the gameful motivation of behavior. Gamification utilises elements typical of games to induce game-like feelings in users, which in turn motivate behavior. Gamification is used in a plethora of contexts, including education (to improve learning at schools), healthcare (to improve hygiene levels at hospitals), and in business. Companies are now increasingly utilising gamification to motivate their employees and engage their customers. However, the implementation of gamification is not always successful.

In fact, gamification is sometimes ineffective as a motivating tool, leading to resentment by the users. Therefore, it is important to understand both the potential and limitations of gamification.

We designed this 1-day training to help businesses to understand the concept of gamification and how to implement it. This training is designed specifically to help businesses understand how gamification can be utilised in their specific case.

What you will learn

At the end of this training, you will

Gamification use cases

Discover gamification use cases from a variety of settings


Understand how gamification motivates behavior

Game elements

Understand the different types of game elements that can be used in gamification

Opportunities and limitations

Understand the limitations, challenges, and opportunities of gamification

Risks of gamification

Learn about the dark side of gamification and the negative impact it can have if wrongly implemented

Gamification strategy

Be able to design a gamification strategy for your business

Training program overview

This training is accessible to decision makers, Human Resource managers and technical leaders who want to understand and use gamification to motivate their employee, customers or users.

The training can be provided on-site*.

* Paris, Berlin and Casablanca. For other locations please contact us directly.

1 day


Day 1

  • Introduction
  • Game elements
  • How do they motivate?
  • The dark side of gamification.

Developing a personalised gamification strategy.

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